Topic of Cancer

A really important message for all men!!!

Topic of Cancer is an umbrella charity focusing on supporting cutting-edge research in immunotherapy.. Work based at the University of Surrey is making major advances in work that will give real hope to cancer sufferers that they can be treated successfully without having to resort to painful and potentially harmful radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
We became aware of this work through one of the co-founders of the charity, Nigel Lewis-Baker. Nigel was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer 10 years ago and given 5 years to live. In 2012 he walked from John o'Groats to Land's End raising not only money for research but also much needed awareness and we supported him as he walked through Devon. This walk was just one of the many activities Nigel is involved with supporting Topic of Cancer work.
For more details visit http://www.topic of We have set up a Letterbox Trail on Dartmoor to raise further funds for ToC. Contact us at for further information.